Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Feel Good: Biking to Work

Today was my first attempt at biking to work. On Fridays i work at a different clinic which happens to be about 8 miles from home. This gives me a great opportunity to kill a few birds with one cycling stone. I can get in my biking hours for my tri training, save on gas/money, and be environmentally friendly. Here are the things i learned today:

1. I need a bell
2. Although i'm sure bugs are protein-full, they aren't very tasty...
3. People are not careful drivers and don't like to share the road with bikes
4. My hybrid (that i bitched and bitched about not being fast enough) is perfect for biking to work, had i been on a road bike i would probably have been dead because New Haven roads are in terrible condition.
5. Bringing a change of clothes is key if I want to remain likable at work :)
6. If i thought getting cat-called while running was annoying i knew nothing until today... holy crap
7. It only takes me 10 more minutes to bike to/from work than drive!

I think that's all... if you're gonna bike this weekend, have fun and be careful! :)


  1. New Haven drivers are horrible to bicyclists... I've had several friends get in accidents and I've only live there for a year!

    I bike to class as well, and I have to say, I almost left my boyfriend yseterday for the guy that grunted out of his car at me. Daaaaamn, there's few things I like more in this world than street pick-up grunting...

  2. Wow, how crowded are those streets if biking is not much slower? I love biking to get places but 8 miles does sound like quite a lot...good for you!
