Afghanistan passes 'barbaric' law diminishing women's rights: "Rehashed legislation allows husbands to deny wives food if they fail to obey sexual demands."
A new law was recently passed in Afghanistan that allows Shia men to deny their wives food if their wives refuse their husbands' sexual demands. Another element of this new legislation grants full guardianship of children to their father exclusively.
Human Rights Watch noted that these laws contradict Afghanistan's constitution and called on leaders to repeal the new legislation.
There are American men (obstensibly)who would(obstensibly) endorse denying women food for refusing sex in this particular Huffington blog debate:
On a serious note, if there is one silver lining about America's war in Afghanistan, we are looking at their treatment of women more closely. I hope we can have influence as a result.
My stomach is turning just looking at those poor women in burkas. Afghanistan really is stuck in the Stone Ages, and unless men suddenly become willing to give up all the little 'perks' of this oppressive patriarchy, I highly doubt that we will actually see change occur here.
Is there something we can do about it?
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