To Dirty Rotten Feminist. Aside from Kacie's excellent posts on all things feminist, her Sunday night questions are something i look forward to weekly.
To CoffeeYogurt. Specifically for her two insightful posts on sex and blog stalking (which was very timely for me.
To Womanist Musings. Renee wrote an amazing commentary discussing her experiences with feminist identity and race identity, and why she chooses to identify as a womanist. Truly one of the best posts on this subject that i've ever read.
To The Debate Link. Dave does a kick-ass job articulating all the things i want to know and be able to say about Israel.
To Seasons of the Bitch. Specifically for her Slut post, but really, all her stuff is fantastic.
To Viva La Feminista. She does a lot of great work surrounding motherhood as well as excellent reviews of books.
To Female Impersonator. This is a blog that started from a feminist radio show (how cool is that?!) All the authors have a unique voice but Amelia's posts are the ones that especially stand out to me.
To Feminocracy. I regularly enjoy their feminist critique. I very much enjoyed the post about booby products :)
To Everyone Needs Therapy. Just read this, this or this and you'll understand why.
To This is What a Feminist Blog Looks Like. Earlgreyrooibos started her blog to explore the feminist ideas that she's always identified with and put words to some of those feelings and beliefs. This is a new blog and i look forward to seeing what she does with it :)
To The Feminist Underground. These ladies tackle all issues dealing with what it means to be a woman. They focus on feminist identity, race, sexuality, and always have great work linked for further education.
To Feminism/Popular Culture. I would have never thought of Kurt Cobain as a feminist before but her post makes me love him even more than i already did growing up (and i didn't think this was possible). I'm looking forward to Cortney writing more as the summer unfolds :)
To The Smirking Cat. If you like your blogs filled with honestly, real life stories, felines, a dash of politics, and some hockey then The Smirking Cat is for you. She's going through some personal stuff right now and i hope the blogosphere continues to support her in anyway we can.
To Postlapsaria. I saw Judy on MTV's True Life. Judy suffers from social anxiety disorder but doesn't let that define who she is. She also self-identifies as, "politically liberal, feminist, sex-positive, pro-choice, mental health activist..." Her blog is definitely worth checking out.
What are some great blogs you're reading or great things you're writing these days? Feel free to link in comments.
Whee! My first blogger award! I'm honored!
I enjoy your site very much. I actually haven't heard about many of the blogs you've listed (except Dirty Rotten Feminist and Feminocracy), so I'm going to have to check them out.
May you merit many more! Thanks so much, feminist, for linking over to me. You're in the June Back 'acha (end of the month).
Thank you so much! It's so neat to get a hat tip from fellow bloggers.
Thanks! We love you too! Besos!
la pobre habladora, i didn't know what "besos" meant so i googled it. The first thing that came up was "Commonly used by latinas and wanna-be-hip kids when signing off an email or online personal ad. 'Catch ya later, grrl. Besos.'" on urban dictionary.
hehehehehe i guess since i'm not a Latina if i ever use it i will be automatically a "wanna-be-hip kid" lol :)
Besos!!!!! :)
This is our blog's first blogger award, too. Thanks!
I am so sad that I haven't been able to blog/read much lately. I'm trying to work on that.
I was really touched that you recognized me especially. It was an amazing feeling to have my writing stand out, especially since I am working on starting my first paid journalism gig.
Thanks a lot. This post made my day! I'll make sure to share it with my co-bloggers. :)
Thank you so much for this award. I have only been blogging for a little over a month and to get such recognition means a lot. I am enjoying reading your blog as well as many that are the list.
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