This LV story is horrifying. I have a friend who contracted HepC from a blood transfusion 20+ yrs ago. She researched and learned that it was largely known in the medical community that a decent % of blood supply was infected but hospitals weren't spending the $5 to have it tested. Infuriating! BUt this LV story is outright medical abuse, not just neglect.
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I KNOW! I thought the same thing!
Thanks for the awards BTW! I will blog about that this weekend. I'm so excited that anyone reads my blog regularly!
This LV story is horrifying. I have a friend who contracted HepC from a blood transfusion 20+ yrs ago. She researched and learned that it was largely known in the medical community that a decent % of blood supply was infected but hospitals weren't spending the $5 to have it tested. Infuriating! BUt this LV story is outright medical abuse, not just neglect.
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